Begin as you want to go on--I'm stealing that from Leigh Bardugo (thanks, Leigh!) because I have been absolutely terrible about updating much of anything. Oh, I've been writing but that has been under a pen name for the most part, though I did release Master of Monster in 2023. I've been working on The Labors of Livia--a rom com where a mortal falls in love with Odysseus and must complete challenges to break his curse but have decided to put that aside because I have been slogging through that thing for two years and need a break.
I took a trip to Turkey in 2024 (pics on my Insta) and it was magical and amazing and hit me with the travel bug. I have a long list of places I want to see, both by myself and with family and/or friends, so I'm trying to make that happen more.
More importantly, I am trying to remember why I got into writing in the first place and I want to flex my muscles. I wrote to have fun. To bring joy. To make people laugh or cry or think (but mostly laugh, I hope).
In that vein (heh, sorry), I am starting a weekly (mostly) series of journal entries called The Dracula Diaries, wherein Vlad III details the trials and tribulations of his afterlife. This is not the vampire Vlad, but a loose historical adaptation of the man. Entries will post on Fridays, save for the last Friday of the month to give me a chance to catch up on future entries and hopefully avoid burnout.
This project is utterly ridiculous and hopefully funny. I hope to scratch that itch that What We Do in the Shadows satisfied for me now that it has ended. If you get any enjoyment out of this, well, Happy New Year!
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