Just your average irritated bookshrew

Jeanette Battista
About Jeanette Battista
Jeanette Battista is the award-winning and Amazon best-selling author or The Moon Series, These Violent Delights, Masquerade, Long Black Veil, and the Books of Aerie series. She received her MA in medieval English literature. She's been a technical writer, a software release project manager, and a freelance educational writer. She's taught college freshmen how to write and occasionally still talks writing with high school and middle school students.
Her household includes several humans and three cats, one of whom is missing an eye. He is, unfortunately, not named Odin, a choice that will haunt her forever. When she's not writing, she's boxing and practicing her Muay Thai, reading anything she can get her hands on, and playing Unstable Unicorns and DnD. She lives in North Carolina.